Youth Pastors

Youth Pastors

A Youth Pastor: one who is passionate, often creative with a great sense of humor; is ready for all sorts of randomness, yet able to dive into deep conversations with that one young person who just needs to feel God’s love in that moment…

Yes, they are pretty awesome! Our Youth Pastors lead teams of other youth workers and many volunteers to guide and love our youth all year long, providing them with spiritual support, but more often, just genuine friendship.

We love our Youth Pastors here at The Western Canadian District and try to provide them with year-round support for their ministries and their personal well-being. We have an annual retreat, usually in January for all our Youth Pastors to get together, to rest, learn, and inspire each other.
We also have a District Youth Leadership Team (DYLT) that meets regularly with other Youth Pastors to provide general direction in their ministry.

WCD District Youth Leadership Team (DYLT):

  • Chris Nichol – Grand Centre Alliance Church
  • Dan MacGillvray – St. Albert Alliance Church
  • Erin Reid - Stettler Alliance Church
  • Jonathan Caldwell – First Alliance Church
  • Regan Fossen - Deer Park Alliance Church

Link: WCD Youth Pastors Facebook Page

Link: The Alliance Canada Youth Ministry Toolbox