Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry

The Western Canadian District C&MA views ministry to children and those who lead our children’s ministry in very high regard. Ministry to children is one of the top priorities within our district family. Jesus said ‘Let the little children come unto me and don’t keep them away for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them!’
We maintain ongoing support to all those who serve with our children and ensure a ‘plan to protect’ protocol is active in each of our churches.
Sarah Hunter serves as District point person in support of ministry to children.

The National Children's Ministries Network Team

Vision: The National Children’s Network Team partners with National Office and Districts to respond to expressed needs, resource and empower Children’s Ministry workers and lay leaders to effectively disciple children and their families.

Mission: We aim for Children’s Ministries to be a Christ Centred, Spirit Empowered, Mission Focused movement making disciples everywhere.
Children ages 4 to 14 are the largest least-reached people group in the world! We want to connect Children’s Ministry workers within the C&MA to share and provide helpful tools, ideas, and resources.