Core Training

Core Training

Essentially, Core Training is a leadership development program for all new WCD Portable Licensees. It is designed to further equip the new worker with knowledge and skills essential for effective leadership and ministry within the context of a mentoring/cohort environment. While Core Training continues to honor the current ordination process it does provide a greater degree of relevancy and flexibility for those serving in a variety of pastoral roles.

Core Training continues to fulfil the current ordination requirements albeit with some requirements slightly modified and altered to fit the new worker’s development needs and ministry context. Yet; it also goes further by equipping the new worker with knowledge and skills essential for carrying out effective leadership and ministry in a variety of pastoral roles. 

This is a three-year program and will be further extended to a maximum of 5 years for bi-vocational pastors.

Ordination is the solemn observance whereby representatives of the church corporate, together with the elders representing the local congregation, set apart and charge those persons whom God has already called and equipped for ministry. All newly licensed workers with a portable license are required to go through the ordination track as part of their spiritual and leadership formation. However, they have the option at the end of the process of choosing whether to be publicly confirmed in ordination.
One of the purposes of the Licensing and Ordination Committee is to examine and recommend for ordination qualified candidates for Christian ministry in The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada.

Extra Requirements with Core Training 
Regularly participate in District-sponsored in-service training sessions – Transformational Learning Communities.

    • Attend a District sponsored Holy Spirit Encounter Conference within first three years of ministry.
    • Complete Grip-Birkman assessment.
    • Report on two Seminars/Learning Opportunities germane to new worker’s area of ministry (i.e. Leadership Summit, Exponential, Living Waters Workshops, etc.)
    • Read two books related to the worker’s focus of ministry.
    • Submission of a Personal Development Plan and a personalized Wellness Plan.