Health Benefits

Health Benefits


The Western Canadian District’s Employee Benefits Plan offers a comprehensive benefits package through Canada Life (formerly Great West Life).

If there are any changes to your benefits (i.e. birth of a child), please contact​ 

Please send all inquiries regarding Canada Life benefits benefits directly to​ 

Health Benefits – General information

Please send any updates to​
Benefits are not optional.
  • There is a 30 hours/week minimum requirement.
  • There is a 3-month waiting period for benefits. This can be waived, and a Waiver Form is require or make a note on the Status Change Form.
  • See below for Staff changes

1) New hires

  • Complete the Status Update Form on our website. Ensure you complete the hire date, benefits start date and salary. If you are waiving the 90-day waiting period, please complete a waiver form. Employee packages will be sent directly to the employee.

2) Beneficiaries

  • If the beneficiary is under 18 years of age, a trustee must be identified.

3) Salary changes

4) Family changes - marriage, name change, birth of child, reinstate dependant, separation, divorce.

5) Terminations – it is very important we receive this information immediately as there is a time- sensitive conversion period.

  • Benefits are terminated the same day as employment termination.
  • Please complete the Canada Life Change Form on our website as soon as possible. If the employee is transferring to another Alliance church in our District, please select:

          For Transfer to another C&MA Church or Organization instead of Termination. and email back to​

Alliance Retiral Fund (ARF) Pension Plan

The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada has a pension plan called the Alliance Retiral Fund (ARF). The Alliance Retiral Fund is a defined contribution, registered pension plan. If you have not yet retired, the best way to stay up-to-date on your account, and to make changes, is on your Manulife account page. To obtain a PIN, please contact Ken Board, Coordinator of the ARF Pension Plan at 

Participation contributions commence upon permanent, full-time employment; there is no waiting period.

Retirement Resources

Group Retirement Plan Information

Reuter Benefits is your retirement consultant who assist with investment and retirement planning, providing consulting advice on the plan. Manulife Financial is the plan administrator who holds your assets and provides reports and online access.  


Power Team

POWER = Providing Our Workers Excellence in Retirement

​POWER Team is a team made up of God fearing people who have experienced the successes & challenges in ministry and through these experiences have learned and grown in our walk with the Lord. We have a passion, backed up by the Districts Superintendents blessing and the blessing of our President, to come alongside those in retirement to reconnect them to the Alliance family, to empower them to encourage the next generation of pastors and missionaries.