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New things are happening in Ramsay and Inglewood!

New things are happening in Ramsay and Inglewood!

Ramsay and Inglewood are two of Calgary’s oldest neighbourhoods situated right next to the birthplace of Calgary, the confluence of the Bow and Elbow Rivers. Caleb and Lyndsey Delamont moved to Ramsay in 2016 without knowing much about it. It was easy to fall in love with this eclectic mix of creatives, entrepreneurs, and young families drawn to the area for its vibrancy.
After a couple years it became clear that God had something for the Delamonts in this community and when they moved to a new house 3 blocks away, God opened massive doors of favour and connection with neighbours.

Since then God has given the Delamont family a missionary heart for the neighbourhood. Caleb approached The Exchange Church⏤a church that he helped plant⏤about partnering with them to see a network of house churches started in Ramsay and the adjacent community of Inglewood.

With help from the Western Canadian District, The Exchange Church, First Alliance Church, Capstone Church, and two Mennonite Brethren Churches in Calgary, Caleb has begun to serve bi-vocationally as pastor and equipper in the community and other believers have started to join in this new work.

The vision of this New Venture is to see everyday disciples of Jesus equipped to share the gospel, practice hospitality, participate in kingdom work, and multiply house churches across Ramsay and Inglewood. A small core team will begin meeting and praying regularly in September of 2022 while also hosting Discovery Bible Studies or Alpha.