Item Detail

WCD Call for Nomination Papers

WCD Call for Nomination Papers

For the position of District Superintendent of
The Western Canadian District of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada (C&MA)

The Committee on Nominations for the 2023 District Conference of The Western Canadian District (May 26-27, 2023) is prepared to receive Nomination Papers from candidates who wish to be considered for nomination to the position of District Superintendent.

The WCD is a complex and diverse family of 120+churches and ministries, located in Alberta and the Northwest Territories. We are in a healthy place and ready for the next chapter with effective systems, training resources, and a strong team in place.

In light of this and with changing world events, we need a leader who values the foundation that has been built and is able to navigate the unknown currents of change. Candidates of interest will exemplify a Spirit filled holy life, demonstrate exemplary character, spiritual maturity, theological understanding, and are currently active members of an Alliance church.

Priorities of the next District Superintendent of the WCD will include the following:
  • Embody and multiply a culture of spiritual development and vitality, in alignment with the (C&MA) national vision, that compels us to Spirit-led risk-taking.
  • Lead as a bridge builder and advocate of our diversity who identifies, develops, and supports leaders to be Christ-Centered, Spirit-Empowered, and Mission-Focused.
  • Courageously explore, embrace, catalyze, and support new and varied expressions of the Gospel that are context specific.
  • Strengthen and build on a strong foundation of administrative and governance structures to facilitate Kingdom growth.
The Committee shall only receive nomination papers from individuals who are committed and able to meet the criteria for a director as outlined in the corporate documents of the District, and who:
    (a) are Canadian citizens,
    (b) are approved for licensing by the C&MA in Canada before they submit their papers,
    (c) have significant Canadian ministry leadership experience and,
    (d) have completed a current criminal record check that includes a vulnerable sector check

The Policy on Process for Electing District Superintendents is found at

The incumbent District Superintendent, Rev. Brent Trask has served the maximum number of terms (three terms), therefore a new District Superintendent (DS) must be elected.
A Guide to Nomination Papers and a Candidate Profile Questionnaire are available from: Rev. Kyle Harnett, Chairman for WCD District Nominating Committee:

Nomination Papers must be completed and submitted with all necessary documentation by Monday, December 15, 2022.