Peer Coaching - Your First Meeting

- 8/30/2022

Share the Vision

See Why Peer Coaching? and PCC Playbook

Share the Format

See PCC Playbook

Share the Expectations

Discuss and agree on key values in the PCC Playbook

Connect and Pray

Building trust and relationship within the PCC is critical. Here are some suggested questions to start connecting well: (You may choose to extend beyond 30 minutes for meeting one)

  • Ask each participant to briefly introduce themselves (where live, serve, Arrow highlight, etc.).
  • Ask each participant to share why participating in this cluster is important to them/what they are hoping to receive/share.
  • Ask each participant to share any three life-turning points and how these have impacted them (NOTE: It may be best to send this assignment ahead of time to the PCC so they are prepared. ALSO: Be sure to set time limits for sharing).

Learning Exchange

  • Introduce this element, the Learning Exchange Template and identify the resource(s) you will focus on over the next three months.
  • To help identify resources, you can refer to our resource list, create a survey to gauge PCC needs, etc.

Peer Coaching

  • Reach out to one PCC member ahead of meeting one and ask if they might have an issue they would be able to share for peer coaching. Get them the peer coaching templates so they can come ready.
  • You will need to act as facilitator of this first peer consulting time to ensure this element starts well.
  • Be sure to schedule the one or two participants who will share in your next meeting.