Peer Coaching Circle Facilitator Guide

- 8/30/2022

The facilitator will guide the PCC through the process

Pray: Begin with silent prayer. Invite the Holy Spirit to lead you and for Jesus to speak. 2 minutes

Present: The presenter hands out copies of their personal Playbook OR a summary of the issue they are seeking coaching on. The presenter will also verbally share present their material. See Below Presenter Guide 10 mins

Clarify: Members ask clarifying questions of the presenter and allow for answers. They don’t offer counsel. 5 minutes

Listen: listen to what Jesus might have to say to you. Stay curious rather than seeking to offer advice or counsel. What questions might you ask. 2 minutes

Group Exploration: Ask one question at a time. Questions that begin with “What” and “How” rather than “Why” are best. Also ask open ended questions rather than binary questions. See below for fuller explanation of this important step 20 minutes

Reflection: The presenter reflects what they have discovered 3 minutes

Group Sharing: group members offer thoughts, words, scripture, encouragement 5-10 minutes

Action: The overall goal is for the presenter to have a clear plan of action. The presenter will identify a few action steps. 2 minutes

Pray: One PCC member prays for the presenter and the desired actions 2 minutes

Presenter Guide

  • The issue is: Be concise. In one or two sentences, get to the heart of the problem. Is it a concern, challenge, opportunity, or recurring problem that is becoming more troublesome?
  • It is significant because: What’s at stake? How does this affect ministry, key relationships, income/costs, family, timing, the future, or other relevant factors? What is the future impact if the issue is not resolved?
  • My ideal outcome is: What specific results do you want?
  • Relevant background information: Summarize with bulleted points: How, when, why, and where did the issue start? Who are the key players? Which forces are at work? What is the issue’s current status?
  • What have I done up to this point?: What have I done so far? What options am I considering?
  • The help I want from the community is: What result do I want from the community? For example: alternative solutions, confidence regarding the right decision, identification of consequences, where to find more information, critique of the current plan, etc.

*Please note you will have 10 minutes total to present your issue to your cluster.