Peer Coaching Meeting - Coach

- 8/30/2022

You will have the rich opportunity to present your Playbook or one issue you are currently facing in life or leadership to your PCC. In this safe and confidential context, your PCC will use their combined wisdom, expertise and experience to provide you with some peer coaching. This is an intentional discernment process of peer coaching by drawing on the ability of others to seek clarity that leads to action through asking powerful questions and listening on behalf of the person being coached.

At the monthly gathering, one or two members will be the peer presenter. At first each member will receive coaching around the development of a Personal Playbook in which they will seek to answer the 6 Questions adapted from The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni. These questions are:

  • What is my purpose?
  • What do I do?
  • How do I behave (my values)?
  • What must I do to succeed?
  • What is most important for me as a leader in the next 12 months?
  • What actions steps should I take?

For the first six meetings each person will have the opportunity to work on their playbook and seek coaching on this. In the following meetings you will have the opportunity to seek peer coaching around an issue of your choosing.

This discernment and coaching time should have an assigned facilitator that keeps the group focused and working in a timely manner. Each person in the group should have the opportunity to do this.

It may be very helpful to assign some key roles for each Peer Coaching time. One person can act as a timekeeper to help the presenter and community stay on schedule with the timeline. It is very easy for the time to be used up in the description of the issue itself! Another role can be recorder. This community member takes on the role of recording key insights, ideas, resources and action steps that are identified during the consulting time. This frees up the presenter to be present in the conversation rather than to be worried about taking notes. At the end, the recorder gives the presenter their notes.

Group members are not to give advice or counsel. Rather they are to listen to Jesus and to the person and be ready to ask powerful questions that will lead the person toward self-discovery and ultimately toward action.

“Answers are closed rooms and questions are open doors that invite us in” – Nancy Willard