Peer Coaching Meeting - Learn

- 8/30/2022

Learning together is a key part of a Peer Coaching. This component requires some pre-planning so everyone can access resources and come ready to share.

Try to move learning rotate between leadership (personal and organizational) and “Big 3” topics.

Here are some mutual learning ideas and tips:

  • Identify felt needs and resources from the PCC.
  • Be sure to agree together on an amount of reading/listening that is doable for the group - i.e. you might choose one book for the year and do a chapter per month OR you might choose one book per month OR something in between.
  • Invite a special guest to the PCC to share a 10 minute talk and then discuss.
  • Serve together or find creative ways to serve in the same way if your PCC is dispersed (i.e. serve in your community, help a neighbour, etc.)
  • Share in a common experience or find creative ways to share the same kind experience in your own contexts. Debrief this experience in your PCC. Experiences could include a visit to a homeless shelter, food bank, university campus etc.
  • Study a resource (book, podcast, article, etc.)