Peer Coaching Circles (PCC) Playbook

- 8/30/2022

Our Overarching Purpose:

We steward our leadership development in life-giving peer-to-peer communities so that, together, we make our Greatest Kingdom Impact

What We Do:

We intentionally invest in one another’s lives for the purpose of our mutual development through peer coaching circles

Our Values:

  • Intentionality – we meet monthly and follow a framework so that we generate healthy rhythms and fruitful patterns for development
  • Mutuality – everyone is equally committed and contributes meaningfully so that we all receive maximum benefit from our relationships
  • Humility – we ask questions, listen to each other, don’t give unsolicited advice, don’t judge each other, ask others to hold us accountable and we invite the input of others.

How We Succeed:

Together we…

  • Connect
  • Learn
  • Coach